Saturday, 7 February 2009

whadda week! mushy peas vs. lettuce wraps.

I prefer days that are like what's on the dinner menu for tonight: lettuce wraps (featuring rice, soy sauce, sesame seed oil, ginger, chili, garlic, grilled peppers, grilled onions, carrots, and whatever-else-i-find-around-here-to-chuck-in). I like days that are varied, spicy, and fresh. But the last couple days have been a bit like mushy peas. Which I can tolerate and maybe as part of a larger course I can enjoy, but I don't ever prepare them for myself.

Yesterday morning we awoke with the excitement that Bradley Hathaway would soon be with us, having landed at the airport and hopefully somewhere in transit to our friend's house. Knowing how long it takes to get through airport security and immigration and London itself we weren't suprised we hadn't heard anything yet. But then a withheld number called me at about 9:30. It was someone interested in the gig! He wanted to know if there were any other shows going on. He sounded really interested and I thought that perhaps he would like to come along but was busy and looking for an alternate date.

Explaining that we didn't organise the tour, just the one gig, eventually it came out that he was an officer from immigration and he was detaining our performer. Poetically, I'm sure, Bradley told immigration that he was entering the country to visit a friend in Manchester. However, this guy also performs under his name and therefore when googled up popped our gig. This was presumably initiated by scanning his passport which flagged him as being denied entry for the same reason before.

Several phone calls with the agent later, after we'd sent out texts to friends to pray pray pray, we were given the news that in 35 short minutes Bradley would be back on a plane to Americaland. So then began the work of cancelling the show that was only hours away. People were gutted.

All in all the whole day was a downer. We'd hoped that hanging out with friends might have redeemed the day but that was to no avail. We came home and plunked down in the same ol' room and watched a film for the dozenth time. Blah. I couldn't wait to go to sleep and just wake up to a new day.

Today's been a chilled day, not quite as frustrating, although anyone with a decent offer on our printer ink is out of it. That led me to print up worship songs in multi-colours. That'll be fun haha!

Now, listening to Bob Dylan for the last couple hours I'm feeling chilled and optimistic. I've tweaked my myspace page which is now a bright yellow with bumble bees (if only outside was so cheery). Now I've got about 10 websites to peruse on the matter of sex (this will be applied to a sermon @ church... perhaps not what you'd expect however, depending on your expectations, that is).

Tomorrow we look forward to bowling for a friend's 30th, then a few hours of downtime then meeting up at The Rag Factory for The Bridge. Monday looks to be a make-up date for us to get to the Imperial War Museum (a plan that was squelched for last Monday when snow was factored in). Thankfully the coming week is a bit tamer than the last. And hopefully our plans will work themselves out rather than being denied entry.

"Bradley Hathaway: Coming to an Airport Near You!"

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